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Culofrom: Ludoliscia⚊⚊⚊⚊Forza scinty
#FF0000from: #FEE3D4⚊⚊⚊⚊buttcrack
πŸ‘€from: πŸ‘€βšŠβšŠβšŠβšŠπŸ“
Ciao FABIO!!!!!!!!from: A Zziaaaa⚊⚊⚊⚊TVB !!!!
ciaofrom: boh⚊⚊⚊⚊ciao
Bro codeeeeeeefrom: BNJ⚊⚊⚊⚊Hola holaaaaa!!! Hola Holaaaaa!!!!!!
Wow from: Eheh⚊⚊⚊⚊Una fan sfegatata
Nuovo post-itfrom: Indovina⚊⚊⚊⚊Ciao amore! Complimenti per il sito β™₯
The gamefrom: Sypher⚊⚊⚊⚊I hope for your best, because you deserve it
Hellofrom: Alessandro⚊⚊⚊⚊Good luck my friend. Congrats for the website!
Certa gente mi invidiafrom: Il divino Mirko⚊⚊⚊⚊Tutti mi invidiano. Non sarai mai come me.
Whitefrom: White⚊⚊⚊⚊Not enough white post-its
New Postitfrom: i donnow who i am⚊⚊⚊⚊SOMETHING
brevi considerazionifrom: ANOmala⚊⚊⚊⚊sono e sarò sempre fiera di te.
How dare youfrom: Eeeeeeeeeeee⚊⚊⚊⚊No Purple, shame on you. I'm disappointed. Other than that, good job!
OMGGGfrom: no but this is cool⚊⚊⚊⚊WTF HOW DID YOU DO THIS??
Maramaofrom: Tip⚊⚊⚊⚊... invece ho scritto...eheheh... Maramao
Brociofrom: Rob⚊⚊⚊⚊Sono passato di qua ciao
La simpatia di Fabio.from: Crow⚊⚊⚊⚊-"Inserisci la password" -Password: Pene -"La tua password non è abbastanza lunga".
Meowfrom: Lucky⚊⚊⚊⚊My bowl is empty! Meow!!
pickacooofrom: Picakcho⚊⚊⚊⚊it's pickachoooooooo
Bananafrom: Monkey⚊⚊⚊⚊UH AH!!
Meowfrom: Non lo saprai mai⚊⚊⚊⚊Ti voglio bene :3
testfrom: me⚊⚊⚊⚊let's try with a really long string to test postit overflow, maybe someday i'll make a character max value

Made with πŸ’š by Fabio Viscuso with Next.js. Take a look at the project's code Β in this repo!

🚧 This is a WIP project, stay tuned! 🚧